I was considering that option, but would prefer something integral/built-in to Tersus. If I need to move the project I'd rather not leave anything out accidentally, this is especially so if other people need to look at it later. Ok, I could document it, but who would maintain it afterwards? That wouldn't be for me to decide in some instances.
I was hoping, since mail.jar can also do POP3 that this would be implemented (insofar as I know mail.jar does the whole email shebang).
Other than that, maybe integrating something like www.dbmail.org, so that the emails can be integrated into the project and allow account access through permissions to specific email accounts. Or getting mail.jar to pump them to a selected/buil-in database.
I'm basically trying to get Tersus to behave as a messaging as well as an application platform, which for me would cover more bases for the projects I am involved in. It already 'does' SMTP, I didn't think POP3 would be ignored in this way.
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