I'm just working my way through the Tersus Studio (TS) tutorial and so far it looks really impressive!
Please forgive the newby quetion; once I've modelled my application inside Tersus Studio am I able to change its overall look & feel? All the example apps I've seen in the tutorial and on the Tersus website seem to share the same "Tersus look".
For example take the Requisitions Management application here: http://applications.tersus.com/ReqManSys/ - it has the Tersus logo top-right, the stripey background & circular "target" image in the header etc. in common with many others I've seen.
I found the information on importing external HTML (http://www.tersus.com/#Id=326) but even there the imported form sits within the same sort of page style as the Requisitions Management. Assuming I'm free to customize the look & feel of my application could someone point me in the direction of where I learn more on this please?
Thanks in advance,
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