I have a questions.
First: how can I run external perl script using Run External Command? I think it is possible but if I provide to trigger Command perl scirpt its not working . Now i can run this script using programm in C which return system command launching perl script. I thik that maybe i have to put script in special direcotry path in workspace (e.g. web).
Second question is about relative and absolute path.
I have this sturcture file in project:
../workspace/ApplicationDirectory/models/ in models are two directorys A and B
Directory A includes files C and Perl
Directory B includes system, and i want runing fucntion which triggers input has to take path to script and programm from A directory. How proper relative path sholud be? I try A/programm or ../A/programm it is incorrect. Relative path B/someFile working ok.
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