Thank you David this did take care of the error I was getting. I had about 44 tables which all had the tableName property value as "Table". However I still seem to be having problems with the database updating. I have deleted the Database file from the navigator view as you instructed with the embedded server stopped, which does indeed erase any entries. However, when I test the application and enter a new database record as a user would, the physical DB or the one that all users would see does not update after trying to delete the record I just put in. Also when I try to "Update" and change a field then click "save" from the pop up window nothing happens, so I am forced to hit "cancel".
To test things further I made a new default blank tersus project. I placed a "Table Wizard" on the view and I still seem to have the same problem as I did with my actual application with db records not updating or deleting after user interaction. So I hope it's not something wrong with the pc or my installation of Tersus 1.3.29. Here is the exported "Test" project. I truly appreciate your assistance.
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