Upgrading from v0.8.x does not require you to download and re-install Tersus Studio. When launching the studio, you should receive a notification that an update is available in the Tersus Update Site, and will be assisted in the download and installation of the update. If you do not receive a notification, please verify that your studio is configured for updates.
Unless stated otherwise, changes have been implemented as of version 0.9.2.
The browser navigation buttons (Back and Forward) are now supported in Tersus applications.
By default, switching from one view in the application to another will create an entry in the browser's navigation history stack, so pressing the browser's Back button will display the previous view.
To support back and forward behavior within a view, you need to:
By default, changing the location using Go to URL (or later using the browser's back and forward buttons) re-initilizes the current view. To improve performance, you may want to add an <On Location Change> event handler to the view, and perform partial (more efficient) updates to the view.
Tersus applications can now send email using SMTP.
A Send Email template has been added - this template uses the new Prepare Email Message and Send Email Message plugins to create an SMTP compliant message and send it through the default SMTP server.
Note that if you are upgrading from release 0.9.5 or lower, and wish to use this functionality, you will need to perform the steps outlined here.
The module Tabular Data Management provides a table display of records from a database table with the ability to add, update and delete records.
You can use this module as a starting point for your own implementation. It is recommended that you rename 'Database Record' to the name of the records you manage (e.g. 'Customer Record' or 'Product'). This is especially important in applications that manage multiple tables (to avoid clashes between records from different tables).
Improved server side security. HTTP requests to components of a service are now prevented.
A progress bar is now displayed whenever a server-side process does not respond immediately.
Yes and No constants have been added to the palette. Use these constants to set the value of a boolean data element.
Designing the GUI of Tersus applications is now much more flexible. Instead of designing a form or parts of your screens using the Tersus display templates, you may now create an HTML document using your favorite HTML editor, and import it into your model. You can format pages as you wish, add images and set colors, and thus turn your HTML pages into an application.
For more details see this cookbook recipe.
You may now document your models by using the Note tool, available in the Editing Tools section at the top of the Palette. A Note contains free text and may now be added to any element in the application model.
An new data type, Date and Time, has been added.Many templates (and associated plug-ins) in the Dates category of the Tersus Common Library have been updated to support this new type (see Updated Plug-Ins). The changes are reflected in the documentation pages of the relevant templates.In addition, a new display template, Data and Time Display, has been added to the Display category.
Bug in v0.9.2: There was a bug in the validation process of the updated templates (and associated plug-ins) that yields inconsistent results when validating these templates, and may cause your application to fail when using them. Solved in 0.9.4 - Upgrade to the latest version.
The Database Query and Call Procedure plug-ins can now output the results into Data Structure (composite data elements). This mirrors the capaability of the Insert, Update and Find plug-ins to write composite Database Record structures to the database.
You may now specify which Web Browser should be launched when an application is double-clicked in the Application Server view.
To this end, a new preference setting, Browser, has been added to Window -> Preferences -> Tersus -> Application Server. You may use it to specify the full path of your desired executable.By default this is set to C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe (the default location of Internet Explorer in Windows). If you are using a different OS and/or browser, change it accordingly. If the specified path does not exist, the studio will prompt you to specify a different location when you attempt to launch an application from the Application Server.
When viewing a model in the model editor, you may now locate it in the Repository Explorer by right-clicking on the model and selecting Show in Repository Explorer from the menu.
A new Refresh button has been added to the Application Server view. It refreshes the list of applications displayed in the view.
Miscellaneous/Send Email (0.9.6) - Send Email
Modules/Tabular Data Management (0.9.6) - Provide basic management of a database table, including a table display and add, update and delete actions.
Display Actions/Back (0.9.6) - Perform the browser's Back action
Display Actions/Forward (0.9.6) - Perform the browser's Forward action
Display Actions/Get Element Name (0.9.6) - Return the name of a display element
Display Actions/Create Location (0.9.6) - Create a URL pointing to the current view, optionally with additional parameters
Display Actions/Go to URL (0.9.6) - Navigate the browser to the specified URL
Text/Ends With (0.9.6) - Check whether a text ends with a given suffix
Miscellaneous/Get Element (0.9.6) - Return an element specified by its name
Miscellaneous/Prepare Email Message (0.9.6) - Prepares an email message (in the standard MIME format)
Miscellaneous/Wait (0.9.6) - Pause processing for the specifed time (in milliseconds)
Miscellaneous/Get Context Element (0.9.5) - Get a specific element from a containing model
Database/Call Procedure - Call a stored procedure
Display/Pop-in - Temporarily replace the content of the screen
Display/Group - Create a logical grouping of display elements
Display/Date and Time Display - A date and time display element
Miscellaneous/Read Resource - Read binary content from a URL
Miscellaneous/Write Resource - Write binary content to a URL
Miscellaneous/Run External Command - Run an external command (executable) on the server
Miscellaneous/Parse JSON - Parse JSON (Javascript Object Notation)
Miscellaneous/Create JSON - Create JSON (Javascript Object Notation)
Display Actions/Get View Parameters (0.9.6)Added support for anchors(#) in URLs
Display Actions/Get Parent (0.9.6)Added support for getting the containing display element (when the action is used with no <Element> trigger).
Miscellaneous/Load Excel Table (0.9.4)The <Skip Unmatching Rows> trigger is now implemented as a boolean, and interpreted accordingly - see plug-in documentation.
Collections/Appear (0.9.4)Client-side (Javascript) implementation added.
Text/Compute HashFixed plug-in implementation.
Display Actions/Expand
Display Actions/Collapse
Open Perspective and Show View submenus of the Window menu did not display the correct items when in the Modeling or Debugging perspectives. (0.9.5)
<On Change> event in a File Input Field element, was not handled correctly in Internet Explorer. (0.9.5)
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