An initial (incomplete) version of Web Services support is included in To upgrade to 0.9.20, merge the content of the zip into your Tersus installation folder, and then, using Help->Software Updates->Manage Configuration, switch to the new versions of the 3 Tersus features. A sample project that invokes a several Web Service can be found in To use this project, create a new Tersus project named 'Web Services', and extract the content of the zip into the project's folder in your workspace. The sample project contains (under 'models') a Word document that describes the project's content + a few comments on what I have done to overcome a few problems that still exist in the current version. A fuller support of SOAP, not necessarily 100% compatible with this version, will be released as part of release 1.0.
(Originally published in the old user forum, July 4th 2006)
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