Thanks for the scalability information.
I am a fairly knowledgeable enterprise developer and know and follow most of the paradigms and IDEs etc.
Tersus appears to be a potentially disruptive model for the enterprise software business lifecycle and I am surprised that, after 2 years, little is written about it and it has not taken the world by storm.
I wonder if two things might help:
1. show that Tersus-developed apps are REALLY scalable - not hundreds of users but hundreds of thousands (Amazon/Ebay-level) of users, which should not be a problem beyond finding testbed resources given a) it is a JE stack and b) (if I understand correctly) the Tersus impact on scalability should depend primarily on the Tersus runtime and code generated/classes used by Tersus and
2. import parsers (or wizards requiring user-assisted component mapping) for projects built with other JE IDEs, such as standard Eclipse, Netbeans, and JDeveloper.
If someone could take relatively complex apps developed in e.g., standard Eclipse, import them, and then maintain and improve them with the Tersus tools, I really can't see any serious app dev manager dong anything other than mandated use of Tersus for the team lifecycle.
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