You're quick! We haven't yet announced 1.3.60 as latest, although it was available for those in the know (such as you guys :-). Note the 'was'. We've just discovered what looks like a major bug: when moving models between packages, they seem to disappear on save from both packages.Although you can expect 1.3.61 very soon, I can't say when, and therefore suggest you revert to 1.3.59. With regards to the problem you reported, as you can see from the changelog this version includes a lot of changes, some of which are quiet major, such as DTD-based validation of the display. It seems the use-case you refer to slipped our checks. I'm sure we'll rectify this in a coming update. Regards, David
You're quick! We haven't yet announced 1.3.60 as latest, although it was available for those in the know (such as you guys :-).
Note the 'was'. We've just discovered what looks like a major bug: when moving models between packages, they seem to disappear on save from both packages.Although you can expect 1.3.61 very soon, I can't say when, and therefore suggest you revert to 1.3.59.
With regards to the problem you reported, as you can see from the changelog this version includes a lot of changes, some of which are quiet major, such as DTD-based validation of the display.
It seems the use-case you refer to slipped our checks.
I'm sure we'll rectify this in a coming update.
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