As of 10/1/2007, the current Tersus Studio Cross Platform installation instructions at call for Eclipse 3.2.x, but the eclipse link is at 3.3.1 and does not show 3.2.x.
Also, I think there is a missing step to install the Tersus download into [Tersus Studio root]. (I believe this is required from an earlier attempt on 0.9.6.)
Trying 3.3.1 on Mac OSX Tiger, assuming the step "Installing SMTP Mail Support" is optional and skipping this step (I did not want to break my working built-in Mac OSX Java), after following Installing Tersus Studio in Eclipse, Online Installation Procedure; step 6 reports an error that org.eclipse.gef_3.0.1 is required. I tried to merge gef 3.0.1 (from an old archive I already had), but the error remained.
Does Eclipse licensing permit Tersus to host the versions of Eclipse components needed to get Tersus installed? I recall specific insructions that specific versions were required before.
Better yet, can we get a Mac .dmg archive?
It's nice to see Tersus developing and the site updates, but I'd like to get studio and server working directly on Mac OSX. I did run VMware Fusion in Mac OSX and ran Ubuntu which ran Eclipse to run Tersus 0.9.6.
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