To disable automatic creation of tables in the embedded hsql database, you'll need to create a Configuration.xml file which overrides the default behavior, as follows:
Creating tables (and other objects such as views, procedures, etc), can now be accomplished using a text editor, but only while the application server is not running, by (carefully) editing the file [application root]/database/[application name].script.See for syntax details (note that this document applies to v 2.0 of hsql, while the current stable version of Tersus (1.3.59) uses 1.7, which is only slightly different syntactically. Later version of Tersus (available via the latest release) have been upgraded to use version 2.0 of hsql.
Note that if you prefer using a 3rd party, jdbc-based tool, you can.
I hope this gives you some helpful information, and of course, you're welcome to post additional questions.
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