Hi Mark,
The Load Map issue looks like a timing bug, which we'll try to resolve. In the meantime there are a couple of (imperfect) workarounds:
Regarding dynamic rather than constant addresses - there should be no problem. Once created and passed via flow, the same text created one way is indistinguishable from the other. I suggest you verify that the addresses you create dynamically are valid. If you require additional help, please provide a clear explanation of what "does not work" - a sample with clear recreation steps.
Regarding the numbering issue in Generate Initial Deliveries by Vehicle List:
The initial reason that it does nothing as modeled is that Generate Map Numbers will not run - this is because when the Generate Initial Deliveries by Vehicle List process starts, the table (in the display) has no rows which means the flow from the Vehicles ancestor reference to the Generate Map Numbers will not occur.
Of-course once Generate Map Numbers fails to start so does Convert Delivery Record to Row, and as a result no table (with rows) is created ...
You might want to read more about the Tersus modelling language (http://www.tersus.com/#Id=42) - especially about "order of execution", and in the same vein I suggest you get acquainted (if you haven't already) with the Trace facility (http://www.tersus.com/#Id=46), which can greatly assist you in understanding what runs when.
Another thing to note, is that even assuming there were rows to begin with, meaning that Generate Map Numbers will run, then Convert Delivery Record to Row would run once for every pair of inputs it receives. If Advanced Find returns M records, and Generate Map Numbers returns N numbers (1..N) then it would execute MxN times , creating MxN rows. I'm guessing this was not your intention.
Instead you can use the following implementation (which delays the row number generation, until after the row is actually added to the display):
As for the "big picture" questions, you can probably delay these decisions, especially while you're getting to grips with the technology itself.
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