hi,Have a strange problem with regards to Run External Command.Tersus server version -> Studio version -> 64bitServer OS -> Windows 2008 64-bitMy application runs with no problem using Run External Commandwhen i develop the application in Tersus Studio. To really test the problem i encountered, I've installed theStudio version 64bit on the server hosting the application.The application runs the external command with no problems whenrunning from Tersus Studio. But when i deploy it on the server,the external command doesn't run.The strange thing is it has worked before and stopped working on theserver. After it stopped working, have tried uninstalling/resinstalling server, apache tomcat, mysql...all didnt work.Then formatted server and resetup and it work. Then recently when iredeployed a new version of the application it stopped working again.But when i tried on Studio version 64bit it has no problem.Have also tried running the application developed on Studio version 32biton Tersus server ver, external command also didnt run.Very strange and at wits end.Was wondering if you have any advice on this. Do i need to somehow rebuild the files to run the application developed in 32bit environment to run in 64bit environment. Or some other tips to resolve this.
Thanks in advance.Cliff
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