Hi,Did a bit of research around Tersus site.Came up with this workaround to be able to useBlank View template to produce a web applicationthat is mobile responsive.Below is what i did1) Create a web application using Blank View Template2) Put the file below, welcome-nonav-template.html in application web folder3) Load the application onto web serverThe lines below in between header tags in welcome-nonav-template.htmlwould make the web application switch to another web application done withBlank View Template in which components size or layout is changed to suit mobile phone display. Maybe can do another screen.width check for tablets <script type="text/javascript"> if (screen.width <= 800) { window.location = "http://<hostname>/test3smartphoneview/"; } </script>Not sure if this is the way to go about it or if there is any better way.This would resolve point 1 mentioned in previous post but point 2 remains as need to code a separate application, which i guess is unavoidable.Hope for any advice.CheersCliff
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