Hi,Am encountering quite a strange issue and hope Tersus team can shed some light.Currently, i have a document management system not much different from the attached (Knowledge and Documents Portal,downloaded from Tersus, http://www.tersus.com/#Id=164)When Document Management application is open as a new tab from a Open Doc Mgt applicationthrough clicking of a button, somehow when doing Add Document, the dialogue box does notclose after a long time despite the document added is a very small file. Closing andapplication and going into it again, would see that the file is added under the folder structure.The above happens for the latest Firefox version but does not occur and works fine withdialogue box closing when Firefox version 45.0.1 is used. Suspect issue does not occur to Firefox version 45.0.1 and below.However, when opening the Document Management application directly by itself, the dialogue box not closing issue does not occur regardless the Firefox version. The dialogue box would close automatically upon completion of upload through Add Document.Not sure what is causing the problem. Look forward to your advice.ThanksCheersCliff
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