Tersus Studio – Windows
jar file in the [jre root]/lib/ext
Configuration.xml file
<Application name="Tutorial 4-5" rootSystem="Tutorial 4-5/Tutorial 4-5"> <DataSource name="jdbc/Main" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"username="root" password="" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/tersus"validationQuery="SELECT * from test" /></Application>
Database created with the name: tersus with a table test.
My project is "Tutorial 4-5" from the tutorial and I try to store the results in a MySQL database. I have read that I must apply a trigger to the database-actions.
In Open Requisitions/Populate Open Requisition List/Generate Requisition List is a Find created. I attached a trigger to this Find block and renamed it to Data Source.
I save the project and I get 2 validation errors: "missing flow into a mandatory trigger" and "No element 'Data Source'" The first error I can explain because the trigger is mandatory.
The second error is the problem: What element do I have to create, so I can get Data from my database.
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