We've been making significant changes to the mobile implementation since releasing (our stable version). We are endeavoring to release a new stable version asap. In the meantime we recommend that you upgrade to the latest version, and keep upgrading as we release new versions - especially if the application you're developing is a mobile, as mobile support is a primary effort at the moment.
Upgrading can be done quiet easily from any version (including, by following the instructions outlined in http://www.tersus.com/#Id=239 (make sure you're adding the latest rather than stable update site).
There is no need to use a Mac while modelling a Tersus application targeted at iPhone.A Mac is only necessary if you wish to create a native iPhone application, and even then you need not install Tersus on it. All that will be required is to export the application to an Xcode project from your Tersus studio (installed on your Windows machine) and import it into Xcode on your Mac, as explained in http://www.tersus.com/#Id=2820.If however, you plan to offer the same application as a web application a Mac will not be needed at all.
I hope this clears up any confusion we may have created.
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